On September 8, 2008, EnviroKinetics, Inc. and the Carver Community Organization Inc. presented an Alternative Energy Roundtable Workshop at the Centre in Evansville, Indiana. The one-day workshop consisted of: 1) a Panel discussion for industry experts who addressed key energy and environmental issues; 2) a Career Development session for High School and College students; and 3) an Exhibition Hall showcasing innovative residential and commercial products, and demonstrations on low-cost home energy saving tips on the emerging technologies in the energy field. The workshop featured hourly raffles of energy saving products and $50 gasoline coupon give-aways.
Carver’s Environmental Resource Center, funded in 1999 by a US EPA grant, is dedicated to protecting the air, soil and water in Southwest Indiana. Carver delivers environmental information and services directly into communities. Through a partnership spearheaded by EnviroKinetics, it works to clean up neighborhoods by promoting the efficient use of natural resources, energy conservation and implementation of environmental protection programs. The public participation programs are the creation of community-based policies, plans, programs and projects that reflect a shared vision of the future. EnviroKinetics assembled an exciting team of organizations, colleges and universities, industry executives and state and local officials to exchange ideas and discuss sustainable solutions to our current energy challenges.
The primary goal was for industry experts to share information and knowledge on a broad range of energy conservation initiatives, renewable/alternative energy resources and clean energy research technologies, as well as present an overview of the enforcement and accountability of the US Environmental Laws from the Federal and State levels.
Carver’s Environmental Resource Center, funded in 1999 by a US EPA grant, is dedicated to protecting the air, soil and water in Southwest Indiana. Carver delivers environmental information and services directly into communities. Through a partnership spearheaded by EnviroKinetics, it works to clean up neighborhoods by promoting the efficient use of natural resources, energy conservation and implementation of environmental protection programs. The public participation programs are the creation of community-based policies, plans, programs and projects that reflect a shared vision of the future. EnviroKinetics assembled an exciting team of organizations, colleges and universities, industry executives and state and local officials to exchange ideas and discuss sustainable solutions to our current energy challenges.
The primary goal was for industry experts to share information and knowledge on a broad range of energy conservation initiatives, renewable/alternative energy resources and clean energy research technologies, as well as present an overview of the enforcement and accountability of the US Environmental Laws from the Federal and State levels.